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☑明るい ☑ドヂ ☑KY ☑自己中   ※急にキレルので注意をしてね!!! 英検準一級をとったらDSなのだっ^^b

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Japan is almost spring!

In November,My mom planted Chulips.

And I don't know when it got out from Soil......

but it camed out from soil!

I'm excited that it is going to be beautiful!!!

I want to plant lot of nother flower!

I look forward to it.

Do you like flowers?

And what is your favourite flower????


Yesterday I went to Funabashi's LaLaport with my family.

And I went shops called,

"Sun hoseki"(in Fubanashi)and "LIZLISA(TRALALA)".

I (My mom)bought clothes and hair bands and more.

And it was so cute!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU MOM!!!!!!!!!!!

And Today!

I went to acrossmallnear by my house.

The new term starts in little more so I(We) boughted note pencil and...more!

it is so cute.

I want to use those.......



1 comment:

  1. You wrote quite a lot this time! But don't forget to check spelling before publish!
    I like roses best because of their fragrance but unfortunately I don't like their thorn.
    My cyber friend I Amsterdam told me that they bloom in April. Our garden will be like Keukenhof then!
